Friday, March 18, 2011

Charity Cupcakes


In the last few weeks we have had no Internet connected at our home.

And during this time, I have found myself with time to do a whole range of things… 

things like ride my bike
or start up my sewing machine, 
get lost in the pages of the book I am currently reading
and sit out on the deck enjoying a cold drink with my husband.

…things which sometimes I miss out on doing because when I do have free time, I simply fill it… sitting on the couch with my laptop.
Not that I am in any way convinced that life would be better if we disconnected…

But it has made me contemplate whether all that time I spend online,
converting gorgeous clothes or kitchen accessories that I don't need or can’t afford,
or spending hours looking at photos of friends recent weddings or new babies or holidays in Venice…
 is really worthwhile?

In amongst this period of no network coverage I did do something extremely worthwhile.
With my lovely friend J., we organised a cake stall at a local church fete.
We raised money for a local community project. She made some lovely Swiss bread (you can find a recipe here) and I made one hundred cupcakes. 

And I would certainly do it again.

Charity Cupcakes

125 grams of butter

3/4 of a cup of caster sugar

2 eggs

1 1/2 cups of flour

1/2 a cup of milk

Preheat your oven to 180˚ 

Line a muffin tin with some pretty cupcake liners (you can spray the inside of the liners with non-stick spray to help them come off your cakes easily.)

Beat butter, sugar and vanilla together until light and creamy.

Add eggs one at a time.

Then add a small amount of the flour followed by a little milk. 

Continue this, alternating flour with milk on a low speed, scraping down your bowl when you need to.

Spoon mixture into patty cases.

Bake for 15 - 20 minutes or until golden. 

Then make some icing if you like... 

125 grams of unsalted butter

2 cups of icing sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of cream (or milk)

Beat butter and sugar together until smooth.

Then beat in vanilla and cream (add some dye if you would like.)

Recipe can be doubled, halved, or quadrupled.
