Wednesday, February 1, 2012


After ten weeks of adventuring, the boy and I arrived home last Monday. I've been spending the last week getting used to the warm weather, the insects and our own bed again. I still want to keep posting a few more pics from the trip, but I'll also keep you up to date with our life at home... where I promise to put my new green, Hunter boots to good use.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Switzerland by Instagram

On New Years day the boy and I flew to Switzerland. We stayed in Speiz, with some beautiful friends of ours who we were so excited to see and who spoilt us rotten while we were there. It was such a lovely time of being together, as we hadn't seen them in four years. And on the second day we were there, they took us up to the mountains for sledding. It was a completely amazing experience in an absolutely beautiful place. We only had our iPhone with us so I just have a few pics... but I think you can tell we were having a ball.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

South Coast of England

We spent a few days after Christmas, by the sea, with the boys family. We had a lovely time and enjoyed the a quiet break after a busy few weeks. I love the photo I took of the boy and his mum... aren't they sweet.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


--This post is from before Christmas--

I knew little of this little country before I got on a train and headed there not long before Christmas. I spent three days there, discovering its charm and learning of its history... and on the third day it snowed. Sadly I didn't take any pictures of the snow though, I thought there would be many more opportunities and I was worried about my camera getting wet. But I regret it now, because it was beautiful.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

In Brugge

-- This post is from before christmas --

From Brussels we took a day trip to Brugge. A beautiful little town that is the perfect place for an afternoon stroll, with lots of warm little shops and cafes to nip into when the weather turns cold.

Friday, January 13, 2012

(image above taken in Brugge, Belgium)

Hello again.... How are you?

Did you have a wonderful Christmas? And how about your New Year?

Sorry it's a belated greeting.
I had a lovely Christmas, but not in the way I expected. In the next week or so I will hopefully catch you up on all my adventures since my last post. But for now let me explain where I've been.

Originally the plan was that after venturing around with my cousin I would spend some time with my best friend who lives in London, then head to Sussex where my mother in law lives and spend a quiet Christmas there waiting until the boy arrived on boxing day.I was so looking forward to my time in England. Especially the opportunity to meet the boy's grandfather, Tom, who over 60 years ago bought the engagement ring, that I now wear today.

However sadly just before I arrive in England, Tom passed away, he was ninety one.

I skipped London and headed straight to Sussex to be with the boy's mum. We were soon very busy with preparations and arrangements including getting the boy on an early flight over so he could conduct Tom's funeral.

Though it was a sad time it was a blessing that we could be there. I enjoyed making tea and sandwiches for relatives who had traveled from all over England. And I loved staying in the house where my mother-in-law grew up. And though I never got a chance to meet Tom, I found I learnt a lot about his life.

I learnt that he was a man who always had a smile on his face and who loved his family more than anything.

I learnt that he spent lots of time gardening, cycling and fixing things, three passions my husband has certainly inherited.

And I learnt that during the summer months he could often be found in his backyard, under the apple tree sharing a cold drink with his daughter.

He has inspired me to take more moments like that. Moments to stop and sit and enjoy where you are, the life you have and those who are there beside you.